Logical Nonsense REUNION Saturday night!
New Mexico's legendary Logical Nonsense are doing one show this Saturday May 30th at the Launchpad in Albuquerque!
Jello Biafra versus Ian Svenonius!
Jello Biafra being interviewed by Ian Svenonius (Nation Of Ulysses, The Make-Up, Weird War, and of course, Sassiest Boy In America!) on Vice TV!
ian svenonius,
Jello Biafra,
jesse luscious,
vice magazine
Saturday night SK8 update!
Just got a text from John the Baker:
"Great trip. Finished last show, heading home. Alex won a skateboard. Jared got injured ankle and didn't finish. We're all together, Jared stayed in the van. Ankle get better."
"Great trip. Finished last show, heading home. Alex won a skateboard. Jared got injured ankle and didn't finish. We're all together, Jared stayed in the van. Ankle get better."
jesse luscious,
John the Baker,
Skate Till You Die 2009!

From John The Baker, Jared, & Alex comes this news of their exciting 60 mile skateboarding trip down the length of the East Bay. Check out this East Bay Express article for more!
"SKATE TIL YOU DIE ! Welcomes the three Alternative Tentacles interns who are doing the full 60 mile skate from Richmond to San Jose, Ca. May 21, 22 and 23 to benefit Bay Area Kids Who Rock and Adaptive Action Sports, a group dedicated to skaters and boarders with prosthetic limbs. Please Sponsor them for Skate til you Die!
If you'd like to donate to the cause, you can do so through Paypal:
to leasa: lcatera@sbcglobal.net
Or Buy a shirt from Alternative Tentacles! AT has donated 50 shirts to the SKATE TIL YOU DIE! benefit and the organizers are screen printing the Skate Til You Die! Logo on the front with the ATR BAT SYMBOL on the back of the shirts. These limited edition shirts will be up & available here on the AT site next week!
alternative tentacles,
John the Baker,
Dead Dead Kennedys cds...
One of the worse parts of the job- making excess DKs stock unsellable. (We have more as archival copies, but they will never be sold or available to the public)
Dead Kennedys,
jesse luscious,
the sermon
Frank Zappa on censorship & the PMRC!
Here's part 1, 2, & 3 of a 1986 interview with Frank Zappa about the PMRC on "School Beat." The relationship between art & action is still being debated- see Jello Biafra's High Priest For Harmful Matter for his experiences with Zappa, the PMRC, and of course the whole Frankenchrist trial.
frank zappa,
Jello Biafra,
jesse luscious,
1st Photos from last night's Jello show!
Yes, these are photos from my phone. Yes, there were people with actual cameras there. We'll upload or link to some of them soon. In the meantime, it was a sizzlin' set from Jello & the boys, with a beer-drenched crowd creatin' chaos & disorder in the always intimate Annie's Social Club. You can see by the photos how intimate!
P.S.- Thanks to everyone who helped sell out the show last night, & to the other awesome bands- Social Unrest, Ribzy, Fix My Head, & The Excuse!

P.S.- Thanks to everyone who helped sell out the show last night, & to the other awesome bands- Social Unrest, Ribzy, Fix My Head, & The Excuse!
Jello's new band plays SATURDAY!

Jello Biafra is now immersed in creating an all new music album with his new band, the same one that electrified the Biafra 5-0 celebration last year:
Jello Biafra
Billy Gould (Faith No More)
Ralph Spight (ex-Victim's Family, Freak Accident)
John Weiss (ex-Sharkbait, Horsey)
plus additional guitarist Kimo Ball (ex-Freak Accident & Mol Triffid)
[The band's still arguing over the name- it is NOT Jello Biafra And The Dick Army! Jello's current favorite is Gitmo Twinkie.]
The band's playing a last minute hit and run show @ Annie's Social Club in San Francisco this Saturday May 9th!
It's going to be a short-to-medium length set so that Billy's arms don't fall off after stacking this project on top of intensive rehersals for the reformed Faith No More. Speaking of Faith No More, this is probably Billy's last live appearance with Jello's band because FNM is going on tour!
Also on the bill are local punk rock legends Social Unrest & Ribzy, plus newcomers Fix My Head and The Excuse! Don't forget back room Punk Rock & Schlock Karaoke! 21+, $10
Buy Tickets!
SF Weekly's preview: Drink PlumpJack Wines or You Will Pay
billy gould,
faith no more,
Jello Biafra,
ralph spight,
victim's family
The Sermon are BACK!

One of our favorite San Francisco bands The Sermon are playing 2 upcoming shows!
Thursday, May 14th
Bottom of the Hill 1233 17th Street (at Missouri)
with Pierced Arrows (ex-Dead Moon) and Burnt House - 9pm $10
Saturday, June 20th
Bender's Bar and Grill 806 South Van Ness (at 19th Street)
with The Corruptors and The Holiday Band - 9pm $5
(don't forget their awesome AT album/cd!)

Who's ahead of the curve? Jello Biafra, Steelpole Bathtub, & Charles Tolnay/Grong Grong/King Snake Roost- a.k.a. TUMOR CIRCUS!
"Swine Flu" is the b-side of the classic 7-inch "Take Me Back or I'll Drown Our Dog"! It's also on their intense full-length. (It's about the cat that lived with Jello & Winston Smith back in the day)
Here's the MP3 of SWINE FLU!
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